Human Resource Management and Development Organization

Social inclusion

  • HRMDO work on social inclusion on behalf of the poorest and most marginalized people to assist authorities in understanding the patterns and drivers of poverty and exclusion and in developing effective responses. HRMDO strives to reach the poorest people and to combat discrimination, complementary interventions are needed because the origins and potential responses to poverty and social marginalization often lie beyond the scope of any single sector.
  • We strive to empowering local communities, families and individuals who find themselves in vulnerable situations to discover their inherent capabilities and aspirations, thus enabling them to fulfill their goals and active roles in their regions.

Our Goals

  • To increase the activation and involvement of persons at risk of social exclusion by mobilizing and/or improving individual skills, education, qualification and facilitating full integration into the society.
  • To strengthen the role of relevant stakeholders (local self-government units, governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders) in the development, implementation and monitoring of social inclusion programs with special focus on building partnerships, networking and cooperation.

Human Resource Management and Development Organization