Human Resource Management and Development Organization

Safety & Security

Our goals
If people cannot find safety, they will struggle to improve their lives. The Human Resource Management and Development Organization helps those who are recovering from conflict and disaster seek protection from harm, build safer communities, and understand their human rights.

Ensure that people are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm

How We Get There
  • Supporting women and girls in having healthy and safe relationships, and working with men to change violent behavior and stop intimate partner violence;
  • Ensuring children are not physically, sexually, or psychologically abused, or neglected or exploited, within their homes;
  • Training frontline caseworkers and health workers to ensure survivors of violence have access to essential health, safety, and psychosocial services;

Ensure that people are safe in their work places and receive support when they experience harm

How We Get There
  • Ensuring women, girls, men and boys are safe from violence at work;
  • Developing knowledge and skills of employers and employees to maintain a safe physical workplace;
  • Ensuring employers are motivated to create a workplace free from violence and exploitation, including that no children are engaged in exploitative work;
  • Ensuring that, when people are victims of violence in the workplace, they are able to access quality services to help them heal and recover.

Human Resource Management and Development Organization